
fieldlines fieldlines

add_postproc ( "cont_iter", Continuous_iter_pp ()) pp. , epsilon_stationnary = 0.001, calc_orbit = True, backshift = 3 ) # Plot the image pp = Postproc_batch ( f, calc_name ) pp. calc_std_div ( calc_name = calc_name, subset = None, max_iter = 5000, M_divergence = 100. zoom ( x = x, y = y, dx = dx, nx = nx, xy_ratio = 1.0, theta_deg = 0. cmap_register # Run the calculation f = fsm. Cartesian () calc_name = "mandelbrot" colormap = fscolors. Import os import fractalshades as fs import fractalshades.models as fsm import lors as fscolors from fractalshades.postproc import ( Postproc_batch, Continuous_iter_pp, Fieldlines_pp, Raw_pp, ) from import ( Color_layer, Bool_layer, Virtual_layer ) def plot ( plot_dir ): """ Using field lines : a shallow zoom in the Seahorses valley Coloring based on continuous iteration + fieldlines """ # Define the parameters for this calculation x = - 0.10658790036 y = 0.96946619217 dx = 0.6947111395902539 nx = 2400 projection = fs. Fractal models: Standard-precision implementations.Perturbation_burning_ship.calc_std_div().Perturbation_mandelbrot_N.calc_std_div().Fractal models: Arbitrary-precision implementations.P03 - Moebius mapping: Elephant and Seahorse valleys.P01 - Exponential mapping: Feigenbaum point.S05 - Tetration fractal explorer - Standard precision.S04 - Collatz explorer - Standard precision.S03 - Mandelbrot power n explorer - Standard precision.S02 - Burning ship explorer - Standard precision.S01 - Mandelbrot explorer - Standard precision.D03 - Mandelbrot arbitrary-precision explorer.D02 - Burning Ship arbitrary-precision explorer.D01 - Mandelbrot arbitrary-precision explorer.21 - “Perpendicular” Burning Ship: tree structures.20 - “Perpendicular” Burning Ship: hidden Sierpinski carpets.19 - “Perpendicular” Burning Ship: hidden Koch snowflakes.18 - “Perpendicular” Burning Ship: hidden Glynn spiral.16 - Tetration (power tower) zoom: “Spring”.15 - Burning Ship ultra-deep embedded Julia set.05 - Seahorse shaded and colored example.03 - Bulb fieldlines example “twinfield”.02 - Bulb fieldlines example “tint_or_shade”.GUI-mode: standard implementation examples.GUI-mode: arbitrary precision implementations.Zoom level and native floating-point precision.Installing GMP / MPFR / MPC: Unix / Linux users.

Fieldlines windows#

Installing GMP / MPFR / MPC: Windows users.
